Options differ for larger organizations.
• Larger Organization:
o multi store operation, larger staff of people, greater financial needs, more complex,
office off-site
o If the owner attempts to do it all, things will suffer.
-Puppeteer vs the puppet
o Larger organizations all started as smaller organizations/one store operations.
• If you are plenty busy behind the scenes (i.e. working primarily in the office, not in store), the
resources look different than a small organization.
• Where does competency & blood come in?
o Still need the same things as the smaller organizations (more than ever); desire/drive,
requires real competency, want to be there…
- Larger organizations have the ability to have resources around to take over the
areas that are not your strengths.
> Opening a spot for someone else to be good at what they’re good at,
and you can excel at your own strengths.
• Must be honest with yourself and your successors about what roles they are capable of
assuming in the family business.