Should I Sell?


Should I Sell?

Independent & Informed Decisions
It's important to make informed and independent decisions when it comes to your family business. Sometime's the biggest compliment to an outside resource is year's down the road when you look back on the transition, and you can't remember what exactly they even did.
Seller Financing to Retire
Have you considered seller financing as an option to fund your retirement?
Also found at "The Big Question - Retirement" Station along the Transition/Conclusion
What is your Business - Business Strengths & Competition
Importance of Planning
*PowerPoint presentation included - Download Notes to access*

o Something that everyone would like to do.
o Intention may be there, but it doesn’t always happen. We have to find the time, and the
more you plan, the better you will be at it.

What’s in the PowerPoint?
o Comments from Paul Bryant
o Comments from Peter Drucker:

- 5 elements:
1. What’s your mission?
2. Who’s your customer?
3. What is your customer value?
4. What results do you want from your plan?
5. What is our plan? *write it down*
Also found at "Albrecht Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Also found at "I'm Retiring - Now What?" Station along the Transition/Conclusion
What is your Business - Painting the Pig
What’s the idea?
• You have been running your business for many years, operated in a way that
appropriate and legal, but it isn’t necessarily the same as one would run a publicly
traded company.
• When on the sale path, adjustments need to be made.
o Three years operating your business as a publicly traded business.
o The cleaner your accounting, the better it is to be able to tell the story of your
Also found at "Wallace Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Business Bigger Than Me
Watch to learn how we tackle the following question in a multi-generational family business;
Is this business bigger than any one of us, or is this business still a commodity that serves the individual owner or owners?
Also found at "Running the Business" Station along the Operational
Needs Analysis - Can I Retire?
Needs Analysis is an important part of selling to an outsider, or passing the business to the next generation.
Also found at "The Big Question - Retirement" Station along the Transition/Conclusion
Retirement Planning
Let's discuss some of the important aspects of retirement planning.
Also found at "I'm Retiring - Now What?" Station along the Transition/Conclusion