Running the Business


Running the Business

Check out the "Notes" below for an interesting article regarding anxiety & depression.
Also found at "Starting Your Business" Station along the Start Up
Business Bigger Than Me
Watch to learn how we tackle the following question in a multi-generational family business;
Is this business bigger than any one of us, or is this business still a commodity that serves the individual owner or owners?
Also found at "Should I Sell?" Station along the Transition/Conclusion
Power of Entrepreneurs
Whether you are first, second, third generation, or beyond - you are an Entrepreneur!

What is your power as an entrepreneur?
Also found at "Holt Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Also found at "Starting Your Business" Station along the Start Up
Team Dynamics - The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
Also found at "Greer's Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Team Dynamics - The Ideal Team Player
Also found at "Greer's Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Trusted Advisors
Share Groups
When running a business, you will need outside help.
In this video we discuss:
-What are share groups?
-How are they valuable to your business?
Communication Key Topics
Communication Multi-generational
Dividends in a family business. Should you pay them? What is your motivation and what are you trying to do?
Insurance - Life
Let's talk about life insurance and the questions to ask yourself when making your selection.
Insurance - P&C
Let's talk about insuring your assets.
Ongoing Business Plan - Review
It may seem laborious and intimidating, but a business plan is a must for a business that wants to prepare for their future, as is a regular review of said plan!
Too Small, Too Young
"I'm too small. I'm too young." But are you?
In this video we discuss the importance of succession planning early on and in all stages of your business.
Also found at "Preparation for Multi-Generational Ownership" Station along the Transition/Conclusion
Also found at "Starting Your Business" Station along the Start Up
Passion for the Business
Also found at "Albrecht Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Also found at "Mattheisen Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Also found at "Greer's Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Also found at "Holt Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Also found at "Do I Want To Buy A Business?" Station along the Start Up
Also found at "Starting Your Business" Station along the Start Up
Value of Outside Help
No matter how great you are, we all need outside help in our businesses.

In this video we examine the value of outside help and where that fits into a family business.
Also found at "Preparing Business for Sale" Station along the Transition/Conclusion
Also found at "Do I Want To Buy A Business?" Station along the Start Up
Outside Support in a Family Business
In this video we discuss:
-The role of outsiders in your family business.
-How does the size of your business impact an outsider's role?
-How can the role of outsiders change over time?
... and more!
Also found at "Mattheisen Path" Station along the Peer Paths
Taxes - End of Year Planning
Year-End Taxes:
-When is it time to think about it?
-Why should I be thinking about my taxes early?
-Are there things I can be doing now to prepare?
Also found at "Taxes" Station